Professional coaching has the power to transform the effectiveness of individuals and to impact organizational performance. The International Coach Federation (ICF) – that I have been a member of for ten years – is honoring the art and science of coaching during their annual International Coaching Week April 29 – May 05, 2019.
The best way to discover the effects of coaching is to experience it. During the week-long celebration numerous events across the globe will take place to showcase the results and progress made possible through the coaching process. ICF Germany’s Virtual Education team is hosting a series of webinars in English language for HR professionals, coaches and everyone who is interested in a topic:
Register now while seats are still available, join in-depth virtual discussions, and meet like-minded, inspiring people. Can’t wait to see you there!
Lead courageously, Annette.
P.S.: If you find our quarterly newsletters helpful, please encourage your friends or business partners to sign up. Thank you.
Leaders*, Have you ever been accused of being top-heavy, data-driven or too analytical? Have you ever ruminated to the extent that you couldn’t fall asleep? How often have you been involved in arguments that basically were about being right or wrong? Have you dreamed about something for a long time and never acted on it? Did you find yourself numbing …
Coaching is the language of innovation
Leaders, We live in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) in times of unheard-of turbulence. It is an era of ever-increasing competition and technology that changes at speeds unimaginable a few years ago. Surviving and thriving in this environment requires a unique approach to accelerating innovation, catalyzing discovery, and tapping emerging opportunities. Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our …
Play Nice in There: Transforming the Brain‘s Inner Critic for Coaches and Clients with Sarah Peyton, Monday, April 29, 7 pm CET
When we receive contempt from others, our immune system suffers and our wounds don‘t heal. When we receive contempt from ourselves, we‘re trapped in a loop that saps our life energy and makes us sick. So people tell us to be kind to ourselve, and that creates another level of the loop, because we can‘t do that, either. Sometimes it seems like there‘s no way out. Read more
Story Coaching – how to attract more clients, create greater financial success while increasing your impact with Lisa Bloom, Tuesday, April 30, 7 pm CET
Most coaches develop their expertise in coaching and yet struggle to attract clients and sell their services. In this webinar, we’ll look at the incredible impact of a story well told; how to build trust and credibility, develop our best offer and close the business we need. Your story is key to connecting with your ideal client – we’ll look at how to introduce confidence, creativity and credibility when you reach out to prospective clients. Read more
Dreamwork for Coaches, an ancient experience in a new context with Will Sharon, Thursday, May 02, 5 pm CET
Neuroscience tells us that everybody dreams. History tells us that dreams have inspired scientific discoveries (Einstein, Bohr), music (McCarthy) and literature (Shelly, Stevenson) to name a few.
Virtually all cultures prior to the modern age valued dreams as part of the human experience; it is only fairly recently that we have confined dreams to the analytic process and convinced ourselves that their meanings are clouded in mystery that can only be deciphered by experts. Read more
Introduction to Coaching Business Model with Kaveh Mir, Friday, May 03, 12 pm CET
Most coaches struggle with describing how they capture, create and deliver value for their clients/customers. They focus too much on Coaching and not on how value is created, captured and delivered. To define, refine and improve the strategy of Coaching Business we need to have a shared language to describe the logic. Business Model Canvas provides a visual, practical and intuitive language for describing the strategy and logic of the Coaching Business. Read more
Free Consultation Session
Contact Annette@Inspired-Executives.com or +49 162 240 4002 for a free consultation session (30 minutes via phone or videoconference).