Leadership Excellence

Dream beyond your plans & reimagine your impact and results

Estimates of managerial incompetence range from 30% to 75%

The failure rate among senior executives is at 50%. The failure rate for organizational change projects has been stable between 60% to 75% over more than 50 years. Yesterday’s ‘command and control’ leadership mentality is out.

There is a leadership vacuum that needs to be filled. Take up that space and lead. There is not just one way to exhibit leadership excellence. Identify your own. Coaching supports and accelerates your process to Leadership Excellence.

Learn to fulfill your potential and contact Annette.

„Shoot fort he moon… . Even if you miss it, you’ll land among the stars. It’s better to aim high and miss, rather than to aim low and hit. Get a bigger dream! You have something special. You have greatness within you.“
Les Brown

Leadership Excellence at its best

Leadership Excellence starts with leading yourself – from the inside out. Leaders who embrace Leadership Excellence prioritize

  •  Authenticity: Their intentions, behavior and impact are in congruence. 
  •  A deep Sense of Purpose: They are clear as to why the organization is in existence and what their contribution is. 
  • A Source of Passion: They do what they love, and love what they do. 
  • Personal Mastery: They have a positive outlook and consciously choose their attitude to get there. 
  •  Reality Checks: They reflect, self-monitor, take in feedback and assess where the they are with regard to their or the organization’s vision. 

Free Resources

Leadership Excellence starts from the inside out, it is a lifelong process, and there are no quick fixes.
Increasing our awareness is a crucial first step.
Discover your purpose through examination of your life story, self-reflection and honest feedback.
Use these free resources to start the process.