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Trust: Gain Motivation and Lose Anxiety

Trust is fundamental to all relationships.  Without it, the foundation of collaboration  is quicksand.  Here are some examples where trust plays a familiar role, and other illustrations where the challenge is murky. A surgeon I know has an explosive temper.  It gets him into a lot of trouble – in his office, in the operating [...]

By |2018-09-09T19:56:25+02:00September 9th, 2018|Change Management, Leadership Excellence|0 Comments

A culture of trust needs transparency

Leaders, Everyone wants to be part of a workplace culture that puts a premium on delivering the real truth. Lies and secrets break trust, while honesty and transparency build trust. If trust somehow exists without transparency, this so-called trust is nothing more than an illusion because it is based on what is not real. Transparency is an essential ingredient [...]

New work needs empowerment

Leaders, Do you need to control everything in your business? Are your people excessively reliant on you asking your permission for every tiny detail? How do you empower your people? Do you give them credit consistently? Leadership of today is quite different from that of Caesar, Plato, the Wilhelminian time, or the post-war period. Today's [...]

By |2018-02-18T19:13:57+02:00February 18th, 2018|Leadership Excellence|0 Comments

Leadership Excellence

People are longing for trustworthy leaders. Authentic leaders fill a void in an uncertain world. Authentic leaders lead from conviction; they are originals, not copies, and base their actions on their values. Personal mastery for leadership excellence revolves around the idea that no matter what your leadership level or role, the critical factor to begin [...]

By |2018-04-12T21:16:21+02:00February 1st, 2018|Comments Off on Leadership Excellence

What the best leaders need to know about teams: Safety first!

Leaders, Imagine you accepted a new challenging position that created as much apprehension as it did excitement. Of course, you are aware that more and more of today’s work is powered by teams and the execution of the company’s long-term goals heavily relies on effective collaboration. As the newbie in the organization, what can [...]

By |2017-10-18T17:10:37+02:00June 13th, 2017|Leadership Excellence|0 Comments

Is the Key to Effective Leadership Female?

Leaders, A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed to contribute to an article for CFA Institute Magazine. The article’s subject was around (gender) differences to effective leadership. Wanda Wallace, Suzanne Bates, Katie Christy and other powerful women leaders were interviewed, too. I feel very honored to have been chosen to be part of this [...]

By |2017-10-18T17:11:19+02:00January 26th, 2017|Leadership Excellence|0 Comments

Hit the Spot Developing your Team

Back in th e 90ies, a typical phone call I got from a manager went like this:  “I am calling you because I need a teambuilding activity for my team.” “Yeah, great, what do you need?” “Well, I thought you were the expert…” “I am but you need to know what you want. What is it [...]

By |2017-10-18T16:53:40+02:00August 1st, 2016|Innovation|0 Comments

Leadership Excellence

Leadership Excellence Dream beyond your plans & reimagine your impact and results Estimates of managerial incompetence range from 30% to 75% The failure rate among senior executives is at 50%. The failure rate for organizational change projects has been stable between 60% to 75% over more than 50 years. [...]

By |2017-08-10T14:18:42+02:00March 9th, 2016|Comments Off on Leadership Excellence
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